Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Thank you, Grandma Egli!

Grandma Egli left this afternoon and we're already missing her. She has spent close to three weeks with us after the birth of each of our children, and it seems with each child, we rely on her help during the postpartum weeks more and more. She is invaluable to us. Gabe even tried to sneak into her suitcase to go home with her.

We're so grateful for her help. While she was here, besides helping with the kids, she did countless loads of laundry, swept floors, painted the trim in our kitchen, researched ways we could fix up our yard, vacuumed a lot, changed dirty diapers, put babies down to sleep, took the boys out every morning for hours at a time so I could sleep, comforted upset children when their parents were in the hospital, etc. etc. etc.

Mostly, she gave all of us the emotional support and encouragement we needed during this wonderful transition in our family.


1 comment:

Smith Moments said...

Can Grandma Egli visit Chicago sometime?? We like having as many grandmas as we can get. And yours is a keeper!!