In other news, Gabe and I went to the splash park with my friend, Jen, and her kids. Gabe started kicking his legs with excitement as we were walking to the play area from the parking lot and as soon as I put him down, he ran right into the middle with his arms up in the air while screaming. Then he got blasted with a surprise shot of water from the ground. Fun was had all around.
And here's a series of Gabe playing with his Dad
(And here's where I brag and it might get embarrassing). Brian has fit about two and a half years worth of classes into the last year and a half. ***THIS PORTION HAS BEEN EDITED OUT*** All that, and he has been totally present at home with Gabe and I - always helping at home - and of course being cheerful and forgiving of my impatience. Whenever I met any of Brian's professors who worked with him closely, they described him as the "superstar" and "dynamo". Yea for Brian! A big thanks to everyone who gave us encouragement and support during this crazy couple of years.
And there's actually more big news: Brian has accepted a position at Entergy, an Energy company that services much of Texas, Lousiana, Arkasas, and I think some other states. There have been a whirlwind of events and Brian will be starting July 6th in Beaumont, TX. Gabe and I will follow him down in the middle of August, after I fulfill some commitments I have up here in Michigan.
Congrats! You better buy that son of yours a 10 gallon hat.
Congratulations on the BIG NEWS!!
Yay for comin to Texas!!!That make 2 Garcia kis & their families in the Lone Star state!Yahoo!COngrats to you & brian for making it through school & getting a job. I can tell Brian is a wonderful father. Lucky Gabe. Maybe we'll get to see you sometime. Come up to Dallas for a visit. We'd love to have ya'll. We'll keep Gabe so you guys can go on a date!
Congrats Brian. If you still want to get hold of Shawn call him on his cell 417-425-7669. My fault-I gave him the message late and then after so many days the phone company erases your messages and then we called a few people to try to find you and then as I was cleaning the bathroom I remembered I had been on your blog before. Anyway-give him a call he would be happy to talk to you.
Exciting news!! Congratulations!
All that Southern up-bringing I provided you will come in handy in your new locale!!:)
I looked up Beaumont--New Orleans is about halfway between me and you. We should have a reunion there some weekend. Maybe we could get Cassandra to come. We mommies need a break!!
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