When we stayed at my parents over the holidays, Gabe was playing with a closet door in the dark and pinched his fingers. Through his tears he told me that an alligator in the closet had bit him. He was absolutely convinced there was an alligator, even after our fruitless alligator hunt. Today, we found not an alligator, but a monkey in a closet right here at home. A couple hours after we put Gabe down for his nap, we hear some weird scuffling in his closet. We went in to see what was going on, and what did we find, but Gabe hanging from the bar in his closet. He looked so proud as he said, "Mom! I'm a monkey swinging on my tree!"
This is Gabe wearing Brian's polo. He really wanted to wear it for his PJ's one night.
This is Gabe wearing Brian's polo. He really wanted to wear it for his PJ's one night.

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