I've been trying to teach Gabe the difference between loud and soft so when I ask him to use his "soft voice" he knows what I'm talking about. What this has resulted in so far is him periodically shouting "LOUSSSSE" (loud) or "SSSSOOOFT" as I'm singing or talking. I'm expected to promptly change my dynamic as he shouts these directions.
Here's Gabe basking in the sun, reading. (Just like his mom.)

Someone discovered the Strawberry Fanta.

Gabe's often found like this playing with his cars.

I knew it was a little too quiet as I sorted the laundry.

Nap time didn't go so well today.

Poor Gabe. That's how I feel half of the time I wake up in the morning.. My blankets are anywhere but on me and my stuffed animal (Justin) is on the ground... But it is nice to see you have such an appetite for reading!
He is so darling. I love that he starts throwing out every item in his crib when he is 'done' being in the crib...elle does that too and it makes me laugh! I also LOVE the 'outdoors' pictures. HILARIOUS. He is so dang cute!
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