a) he stops crying OR
b) it's been four minutes OR
c) he's fighting (arching back, kicking legs)
In the case of b and c, we pick him back up right away. Then you put him back down, and repeat until eventually he goes to sleep.
I think I have much stronger back and arms after five days of this.
Some unexpected, wonderful changes:
1. Gabe has gone from 30-45 minute naps to 2+ hour naps. Sometimes I even have to wake him up from his naps to keep him on schedule. Here he is one day AFTER me trying to wake him up. (He didn't even wake up from the flash of the picture)
I finally got him up and fed him. Here's him after he ate.
I guess sleep training works.
2. sleeping from around 8 PM to 7 AM without waking up (which was actually not a goal, but a nice development nonetheless)
3. going down for naps now takes less than five minutes (with about 10 minutes of wind down time before that).
One unexpected challenge: It takes quite a long time to convince Gabriel that going to sleep for the night is a good idea. This has always been the case, but I was hopeful that sleep training would help.
Best news ever!
You're so much nicer than we were. We made Alice cry it out.
"healthy sleep habits, happy child" is my sleep bible. i didn't discover it until ethan was almost 1, but it made a WORLD of difference for him then, and for the next 2. it sounds like things are going good for you, though, so maybe you won't even need it!
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