First day of school.
Gabe felt a little anxious about his first day of school. He loved his teachers (Ms. Parsla and Tara) from last year. And rightfully so. They were a perfect match for him for his first school experience and they loved him just how he is. I'm really grateful to them. Gabe was not excited about having a new teacher, but was happy he could go into Ms. Parsla's classroom at the end of the day to tell her that he loved her. His nerves show in these pictures, but he still wanted pictures with both his siblings. So far, Gabe's doing well, but misses his family when he's at school. He wants to have a play-by-play of what we did while he was in school every day even though he "can't remember" anything he did while he was gone.

This girl continues to light up the house. Every time the boys hear her stirring from her naps, they run into her room and entertain her until I can get in there to get her out. They love dancing silly for her to make her laugh. Marguerite is scooting all over the place and is always headed to towards the most active, noisy part of the house.
Josh is turning out to be such a sweet little guy. He has started to tell us that he loves us, gives un-asked for hugs and kisses to everyone, loves to snuggle, and says "thank you" all the time without being reminded (we're talking for diaper changes, when we help him get dressed, bring him food, etc.). One of the sweetest things he does is though is encourage others. He tells me "good job, mom!" or "did it, mom!" when I'm doing something he perceives as particularly difficult. He also gives similar encouragement to Gabe (Josh, according to him), and Marguerite. And he has awesome hair.