For Memorial Day Weekend, we decided to be tourists in New Orleans, as there are a few things I've never done that I wanted to see/do. Our wonderful friends from MI, Brynt and Sarah Ellis came down to join in on the New Orleans fun. Gabe LOVED them and was so sad when we dropped them off at the airport. (We were sad to see them leave too.)

We did lots while we there - I won't bore everyone with the pictures - but the Street Car, French Quarter, French Market, Beignets, Sno-Balls (Sal's and Hansen's), the Aquarium, Oak Alley, Central Market, the Ferry, and a birthday party for Gabe all made it on the agenda. Below are a few pictures of the fun times on the street car. This obviously was a highlight for Gabe.

Gabe's party included lots of water fun for the kids. Some of the diapers did better than others. I guess there's a reason they make swim diapers.

Gabe wasn't interested in the slice of cake right in front of him, but he sure enjoyed digging into the cake itself.

And what would a party be without presents - and cousins to help open them?